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They may call me SWEET T! But I know how to serve it... Sugar free! Lol - Trina

You can Lose Weight by clearing your Energy
Most people think energy is just something that is. Or turns your light bulbs on. But it's so much more. It's the dictator of that you...

The SUN of God~
I've noticed lately. Progressively from 2017-2018 the SUN (The Galactic Central Sun - Sunny - Mr. Sunshine) has shone and been SHINING...

Religion is not in 5D or Heaven
Religion is to conform confine and control - TLK Religion and repetitive practises not of God or truth are detrimental to God's best and...

How to know if your heart or ego is making your choices
It's THIS Simple! If you want to you WILL. (Will comes from the soul. Which fuels the heart aka passion desire drive) OR You'll find an...

Do 5 Things Daily for a Smoother Transcendence
5 fingers, per hand 5 toes, per foot 5 main senses, per person So it make "sense" to have 5 daily tasks! To ease on in the smooth way.....

You are a WHOLE so make your GOAL about that~
You are never "broken" you are ONLY ever whole. But what happens when you don't feel togetherness w/ yourself OR others is simply this:...

Twin Flame Twin Soul Love The Power of "REAL" kinds of LOVE~
Open up your wings and fly! Had more meaning then feeling of experiencing what birds do soaring about the clouds freely in their birdy...

The Year to EMBODY Love - 2018
There's a difference between "doing" the action of love and "embodying" it. 1 is empty on robotic (most people w/ no feeling or soul...

How does your body change through Ascension and Rapid Transcendence
Well, TRUTHFULLY, I'm sure there is a lot more than this.. But these are some I experienced and noticed. There are a lot more not "as"...

Pet Energy Reading Healing Communication
Did you know dogs memory bank through smell? So if you show them a treat or show them a food or they smell something they like they...
A tip for a #tip
Transcendence Talk & 1:1's
(support my writing)
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