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Stripping the Earth of 3D was cause you "prayed for peace"

I'm sure you've heard the phrasing  becareful what you ask or pray for" 

The thing w/ that is.. if you do not ask God or your heart n soul for the highest and best and go about something from "ego" "fear" then most often you are not prepared for what needs to be done to obtain that 

People prayed for "peace on earth" for generations "thinking" that's what they wanted

They just didn't "feel" it through their "thinking" and was off as to have peace you need heaven and heaven is 5th dimensional being not the 3D earth plan 

So it needed to be purged and stripped of all 3D 3rd dimensional ways to portal in the light from the heavens through our hearts and energy techniques to rise up restore the land the earth Ascension and peoples well being and betterment to lead back home 

What they didn't consider was all the earthly human ways were going to be stripped and removed to purify and lead a CLEAN life so to align w/ it 

Everyone at some point engaged w/ the request 

So the purged continued to unfold 

There you have it history in the making or shall I say unprecedented time continued 

*If you like this true insight overview please leave a Tip on the blog front for a Tip for a Tip* 

- I deserve love honor respect and support its as simple and non negotiable as that - I lead w/ love that's that ...*mic drop* 🎤 😊 

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