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How to know if your heart or ego is making your choices

It's THIS Simple!

If you want to you WILL.

(Will comes from the soul. Which fuels the heart aka passion desire drive)


You'll find an excuse from ego.

It's important to know what you REALLY want or you'll end up fighting w/ yourself and that's just a silly as a dog chasing it's tails. (LOL)

Be honest!

Which is driving your choices?

Most people aren't actually able to identify this "truthfully" . So if you need a lil help and a lil tid-bit to get you going. I'd be happy to help w/ a tid-bit tool and truth.

Contact me w/ "Tid-bit me" in the header for more info (flat small feel. tool. truth. vibe calibration on your specific Q)

Need ego mandating to help get it out of the way? Cool! That's my favorite! (God knows)

Take it out or learn how to manage it. Contact me for a custom 1:1. (session rate. interactive tools. understanding how you operate makes navigating a whole lot EASIER!)

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