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They may call me SWEET T! But I know how to serve it... Sugar free! Lol - Trina

Opposite do not attract in a like attracts like Universe
Opposites do NOT attract in a LIKE Attracts LIKE Universe - Stop listening to foolish lie and use your common sense Oh my goodness, so...

When they get "celebrities" to "speak" out about "mental" orders when
GRRRRR... Is what I heard (Thats usually when God (Holy Spirit) are not impressed or pleased And remember we are here to PLEASE God not...

Ascension Makes People "ACT" Crazy doesn't "mean" they "are". Even the best curators, energy managementers, Master of the Ascension Transcendence journey. Still...

Fear Schmear! Go for Knowings!
"Beliefs" are a "system" a human created system that can have multiple variations. "Beliefs" are ALSO a "3D" thing. And you can clear and...

The difference between thinking God and feeling him
This is where most people get "tripped" up. Like those "trip" wires people set up to "trip" people. You can spot them a mile a way if you...

Sensations and Activity Your Soul does
Every feel that jolt before you fall asleep or wake. That's your soul going for a travel or returning when you wake. Or you wake up from...

What is "Increasing Light Quotient" And "Holding MORE Space"
1 in the similar vastly different. Not sure if it'll make sense in lower words. But let's give it a go. It's one of those you gotta "do"...
What are "pacer cars" or "pacer people"
Well like in racing a "pacer car" sets the speed pace the cars can go. In Ascension when you tune in. You can tell to the minute detail...
What are "decoys" in Ascension
A set or group of people set up in a "similar" but "low" vibe path "of course" from God's path and plan to deceive and trick you. (Low...

How Nutrition enhances your Intuition Spiritual gifts and your bodies appearance
It's not just about how many push ups. Abs. Or Reps you do. It's about nutrition. Aka Fuel. Now what you may not know. Is fuel is also a...
A tip for a #tip
Transcendence Talk & 1:1's
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