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The "Truth" about "Family"

"Family" the human created label ISN'T always about "BLOOD" that's just what the "mafia" will tell you.. (bless them they need it)  

What MOST people do NOT know about the purpose of "family" is that most people are born into "karmic" lineages or opportunities to clear their karmic lessons and emancipate to move forth align w/ love and have those in their life who are from love who GOD what's to love you unconditional

It was ONLY "psychology" the "government" and human way to spend time and money forcing people to "manage" unhealthy peoples choices w/out applying energy management and soul curating

The thing w/ that is love doesn't require "management" it just is and if someone isn't choosing love and hurting you then you need to learn your lesson and move on 

Family often in the sort n sift 4D phase from the above mentioned 3D ego head human way is "soul mates" "soul families" those you've been in tune w/ on a soul level but showed up in human form sometimes in the same "blood" line but MOSTLY in others 

So if you ever met someone and felt like you've known then for 100 or 1000's of year that's a soul recognition and mostly it feels familiar safe warm like they already know you 

BUT that may be a not good thing too if you've to learn the lesson heal and release your karma to move forth from them 

(you can love people from afar and if they choose rise up they are meant or they are not meat to be on your bus)

Which brings us to twin flame love 

Twin flames most often are to completely release all 3D everything in terms of relationals they had or experienced as those souls people were placed their to prepare them for Twin flame Union and BEING together in peace love and harmony its about their OWN life their OWN world in uncharted territory in love but their souls already know it's meant to be

EVERYTHING about twin flames soul experience will generally be "out of the norm" for a reason as the "norm" is not unconditionally loving 

So being forced to make a family traditionally or do things the same for hundreds of years isn't the way but if you wanted to experience that as a soul and person then you do that 

AND the rare occasion some people were meant to experience the most loving wonderful earthly 3D family dynamics so to lead and guide others to so there really is all sorts of various ways and options depending on each persons soul purpose


***NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE ABUSIVE OR NON LOVING In ANY WAY Shape OR FORM Mom, Dad, sister, brother, wife, husband, teacher, student, coworker, employer, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend.. and if you allow it you are not doing love to you so you are attracting that and it will not get better no matter hOW much counselling or other traditional ways you try you need energy management and soul curating to align and address the lesson

So next time you, spending time is it for show or to manage someone that makes you feel miserable?! 

As when YOU do things GOD's WAY the ALL creator of eternal life infinite love 

He WILL deliver you your "new" family or your earned family for karmic well doings and choices to choose love and they will loveeeee you SO SO MUCH for being exactly WHO you are

***Like this post? cool! flabbergasted ego tripping? cool! Need a reading, clarity or insight to a relationship in your life - The PURPOSE and WHAT to? COOL! I got you.. Contact me for your 1:1 Reading or if you're not brave enough yet leave a Tip for a Tip on the blog front as a Thank you!

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