Ascension Makes People "ACT" Crazy doesn't "mean" they "are".
Even the best curators, energy managementers, Master of the Ascension Transcendence journey.
Still experience and have cameo of a "crazy" behavior!
I say.. as long as you get it out and you aren't harming or hurting anyone maliciously just release it.
Most people have NO clue how to manage, make sense of or what on earth to do w/ all the energy in motion (emotions) feelings thought body sensations experiences events happening around them.
That's why I'm HERE!
To teach you
To help you
To show you how much easier and simpler life is when you DO know the how and the what!
And then.. even if when you humanness gets the best of you: Laughter Forgiveness and Love is ALWAYS the BEST formula
Or as I say.. and am often guided to say..
Forgiveness (start here and go up to love is how I'm shown to write it most often) Love is ALWAYS on TOP!
And no, you are not crazy!
***Like this insight of truth? Feel realized you are perfect sane? (Haha) Cool! Leave a Tip for a Tip on the blog front to support the sharing of my Transcendence Master experience journey and attainment. Happy to be of service, graciously!