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They may call me SWEET T! But I know how to serve it... Sugar free! Lol - Trina
Get to know someone instead of Questioning use Senses
#WisdomWednesday truthfully, the worst thing you can do is "question" someone from head vs FEEL them from Heart it's hurtful and leave...
Lyrics lied about Love - 5D Tips for 3D Listening
The #3D Matrix (cornmaze) of verbage expression and "freedom" of speech didn't exactly "mandate" ego to tell you the #Truth As much as...
Stop Blaming Love it's Ego
That's like blaming God for the D*vil LOL Hahahahahahahahahahahahah No No No! STOP! Writing songs or sayings involving LOVE being...
People Pleasing and Transcendence
People is one of the hardest top 5 in transcending It is "fear" of not getting love, being accepted or making the next sale to pay bills...
How tough love can work against vs for
Tough love can be used as a technique in both a positive or a negetive way. Seeings how love comes from power. A higher vibe. There is...
Opposite do not attract in a like attracts like Universe
Opposites do NOT attract in a LIKE Attracts LIKE Universe - Stop listening to foolish lie and use your common sense Oh my goodness, so...
When they get "celebrities" to "speak" out about "mental" orders when
GRRRRR... Is what I heard (Thats usually when God (Holy Spirit) are not impressed or pleased And remember we are here to PLEASE God not...
Converse in PRESENT w/ others
I just had a huge epiphany! FINALLY! All these years, now I know WHY I very much dislike when people ask not in the moment questions....
The difference between thinking God and feeling him
This is where most people get "tripped" up. Like those "trip" wires people set up to "trip" people. You can spot them a mile a way if you...
Sensations and Activity Your Soul does
Every feel that jolt before you fall asleep or wake. That's your soul going for a travel or returning when you wake. Or you wake up from...
A tip for a #tip
Transcendence Talk & 1:1's
(support my writing)
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