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Get to know someone instead of Questioning use Senses

#WisdomWednesday truthfully, the worst thing you can do is "question" someone from head vs FEEL them from Heart it's hurtful and leave wounds your wounds that other left on you you didn't energetically and karmically release from your soul and energy field In interview if you ask purpose less questioning w/ out sensing you are asking for egoic responses your intention and place the questions come from determine where the response comes from In other words telling you what you "want" to hear In personal relations that is even worse as it's empty if you do empty and you do not FEEL you get ego people pleasing lies So take the time to get to know them and feel them learn converse see there perspective understand their experiences needs desires wants etc Having someone in your life just to have for a label title or to make you look a certain way is FAR off anything to do w/ positive or love Relationships are about responsibilities honor nurturing caring ALTRUISM not "just because" Knowing who someone is is not the same KNOWING them from w/ in 

You'll be much Happier w/ the outcome and result of WHO is IN your life! 

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