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How tough love can work against vs for

Tough love can be used as a technique in both a positive or a negetive way.

Seeings how love comes from power. A higher vibe. There is never ever any need to down speak to or on someone.

If you are tough "loving" someone for your own benefit to matrix (3D) succeed. 

Yet, they are built for 5D transformation and build.

That goes against God and can be use karmically and seen as "meddling". 

Which is a no no as there is consequence.

Tough love generally comes from the human motive.

But the truth is, love is not needed to be administered Ina " tough way" it just needs to be administered. 

Someone who usually gets "tough" loved. Simply needs love. And by "tough" "loving" them you are ego building them and keeping them from God's loving best.

So before you go to use this technique or tactic.

ASK God what is best for the person then pursue w/ that. And Thank his for the love option. 

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