The "Schedule"
Having a "tightly" regimented "schedule" doesn't allow God to DO his work or allow his work to HAPPEN.
But, "that's how you get "lot's of money" you may say.. EXACTLY!
Money. a "dead end" term and outlet.
Comes from "-" "-" self serving intention. To have.
BUT! If you let God do his work you WILL always be provided for ABUDANTLY. Finances included. (flow) Cash flow (flow) Income (flow) all words and vibes meaning coming and going in and out give and receive earn make have spend. FLOW.
Comes from "+" "+" serving know you DO have.
Yes, certain "things" are scheduled and assist people w/ living orderly lives.
However, God never made the calendar, the months, days of the week, clocks times etc.
Those were all human created, IN 3D.
Well, duh! Some might say.. To that I'm shown to say.. Heaven and up is 5D and up!
So if you want heaven on earth you gotta do those things to. More so.. (Thats the simple version)
A schedule should not "control you". You control it!
My challenge for you is to... Dunn Dunn duhhh!!!
Go w/ the flow for a day! A Week.. be open and let it flow what happens does.. do that more and more you will start to see what CAN come in.
**Fair warning sometimes crap have to come in and take a bunch more crap and leave. Remember like attracts like Universe (playing field) So just be happy give all the crap to the crap and let it vamuse asap!
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