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What IS Energy!? 1 kid told me it's what happens when a balloon or blow up clown goes from laying on the ground to standing up. Another said it's what happens when something is not

dead. Lol Can't argue w/ that. Another said it's... *eek!* and she started running around like a wild excited child. Lol

The #Truth is, energy is life force. It's everything, everywhere, in everything everywhere. Lol

Small atoms or particles vibin their groove at their own frequency. So I'm sure we've all

read or heard that somewhere. But REALLY, what IS ENERGY? People seem to have such little of it all the time. Why is that? Were does it go? How do you get it back? Can you get it back? How

do you keep it so it doesn't go away and you always have plenty of it for each and every day?

It all comes down to this.. Energy is EVERYTHING! Literally.. It's quite a hard concept to grasp at 1st as it's not commonly taught in the general "masses" day to day. I wonder why!? Lol (Let's ASK the Gov't OR the Queen. ;)) It's what makes or breaks that new shirt in yellow or purple.

The burger or the salad. The cute guy or that fun party. It's all about the vibe and energy. If you

feel it. You're more likely to go with that option. If you don't feel its a bust. But WHAT IF you feel

it from a non good place and then you go with that to!? Eeek! AKA as energy drainers. The truth in the matter is that this topic is FAR TOO EXPANSIVE for 1 blog post. Lol So let's get down to some FUN. Some ..MAGIC! And get you MORE Energy! CLICK HERE

So what is YOUR ANSWER?

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