Date Yourself!
Haha! I know, right? What a ridiculous title but it pretty much says it all. Seeings how today, is Friday I was guided to touch on the so common of people thinking or feeling like.. It's the end of the world [Queue music ] When actually, it's just the BEST sign you can get from the Universe to have a date w/ yourself! I mean who better to know you, like you, love chillin w/ you, then YOU!? That's ACTUALLY, what it means. Not that you are stuck at home alone on a Friday night like a big "L". Lmao. (Holy Ace Ventura Flash!!) (They're pretty feisty and entertaining up above today) And why shouldn't you be. I mean since when did staying home w/ yourself become like a prison sentence? If you feel that way then how is anyone else suppose to be around you. You get it!? Okay, so here's 5 Tips to ripping off the bandaid and hanging at home w/ your big self! Lol
1) You get to listen to whatever music you want! Let it ripppppp... Crank those tunes, jam out,
bust out a move! Dance in your banana hammock (Princess Consuela Banana Hammock Hahaha so much #FlashFriday references today) I just (got a flash of someone sliding across the floor w/ a brush as a microphone.. isn't that Ferris Buellers day off?) Lol ...and, *exhale*. Good job! You managed to break the ice.
2) Have a convo and get to know yourself. I don't mean like say out loud and reply out loud like you are 2 different people. That may not be the direction you'd want to go. But ask yourself..
What do I feel like eating today? What kind of food do I like? What is my favorite color? If I can go anywhere in the world tomorrow where would it be? You will either get lost in a very good convo with your thoughts or you may be stumped if you've spent so much time people pleasing. You may have to re find out who you truly are. (Personal Preference Remember that GAME?) So what did you learn about you? Do you like you or do you need to toss out some not you stuff.
3) You know when you are on a date and it's going well then all of a sudden a deal breaker flies out of the person mouth and instantly you CHOP them!? HAHAHA If you have that happen, do not do that to yourself. In stead use it as leverage to up your VALUE into the next bracket of a better version of you. Grab a pen and paper and let it out. See where it goes... You may end up sleeping like a baby, forgiving someone or yourself, or find out it really isn't as big as you thought. At the end of the day it's not the yucky stuff that makes people who they are its how they address it. You may wake up feeling refreshed! Plus, once you deal with it you won't have to hide from you, therefore hide it from other and you will not attract those to hide. B-I-N-G-O and bingo was the GAME-O! .
4) Surround yourself w/ and enjoy your fav things.. By things I mean, colors, shows, a soft pillow on the couch or your fav pj's or something +++. Textures, candles, anything to wake up your senses. Get comfy, open up, let yourself see yourself. It's much easier to see you then to waste time putting up a fake self for the fear others may see you and run. Who cares... The BIGGEST problem people create on their own is saying.. They want someone "real". Well are you real? If you can't enjoy time w/ yourself home alone in a positive loving way. Then the answer is No!
(no booze)
5) Embrace the flow.. you may end up laughing, crying, reminiscing, or trying and researching something totally new and exciting.. Somewhere you wanted to travel a goal etc. Either way you've just had a super awesome night! So thank yourself for hangin w/ yourself. Say goodnight and have an amazing sleep!
This is the sure way of ways.. to not only meet the right person as like attracts like and if you like YOU, they will TOO! :) But it will save a lotttttt of time and pointless tears for smiles!