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The Formula to being FIT 4 Life: What I learned over 10 years after 2 MVA's, 1 nearly taking my

Now that I look back it was pretty simple formula. That was finding the right TOOLS to SOLVE the PROBLEM and APPLY Diligently = MY Formula to ALL Life has to TOSS your way! It's THAT SIMPLE.

Enough of the Broadway productions day to day. Let's leave that to NYC.

You truly only have 2 choices.. Well maybe 4 if you break it down. You either take control or it takes control of you. In a nut bag. You could duck, call your neighboor w/ a bottle of wine, cry about it for a few weeks or you can get down to business cause you want to feel BETTER not worse! Lol

So what does it mean to be FIT and TRULY GRAB life by the HUEVOS? Well, a simple formula.

Duck or Catch remember we get to pick what we want to focas on. If you catch it, ask it what do

we have here!?!? This gives you time to cool your kahoonas while all the emotions and fears of

a human start flying off. Then you say.. Ok, now what do I want to be the solution?

Then off you go to find the tools.

Well I've spent 10 + years doing the nitty gritty, sifting, sorting, searching, testing, experiences, this, that and pretty much every single type of WIDE RANGED tools we as humans need to be our best! Or shall I say.. FIT and READY for LIFE!

Yes, we are talking the phsyical, the nutritional, ohhh the mental and emotional, the spiritual, the energetic, the this pill, the natural, the psychic, the.. Holy WATER! (toss an option my way bet I've did it) Hahaha Omg! The funny part of ALLLLLLL that I have learned is.. HUMANS are FRIGGIN INSANELY OBESSED w/ dragging things out the long way. Feeding the ego, coddling it. Oh poor, muffin cakes would like some blueberries with that, a baby wipe. Haha. WOW! When I mean "things" I mean "pain" and "suffering" it's like HELLO!? You aren't going to get some sort of honoray metal-label-recogniztion for it so um, yeah, if you can feel permanately and instantly

better, what's the hold up!?

Well for lack of a better term. It's prolly that evil energy you are housing in your body. The one that snuck in when that tramatzing thing happened to you as a kid or other.. You can go through so many programs pills experiences and if you're energy isn't on track you are STRAIGHT UP EFF"D in a pinball machine! (insert jaws sound effects)

Okay here, we go, QUEUE left brainers ALERT!! Lol HAD someone told me that at the start ummm... perhaps it would of been a 10min journeys vs. a 10 year journey. Yes, I know most of you may be like WTF is this chick rammbling about. Stay tuned... ;) I ALWAYS deliver the message...

I also learned that working out at home in your underwear is better then the gym. Eating clean

and kicking a junk + cupcake craving is a lot easier when you have a simple map and SUPER TOOLS to follow and use. And last but not least.. The MOST important thing I learned is that life has to completely shatter in order to rebuild it sometimes as most often and I mean MOST, you're life is a set up lie and you don't even realize it. Then you WAKE UP and say... I ALWAYS thought something was odd and this planet and people are CRAY! That's the day EVERYTHING changes for the better. And you may find God, quit boozing and other non-self loving behaviors and START to do some other cool stuff! Like MAGIC! Haha... Don't worry left brainers NO pills necessary everything is in tact! LMAO. Lovey, T~

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