5 Soul Curating Energy Tools to get back on Path Following your HEART
The way I've always lived my life! IN Truth Following means FEELING it in the (embodying) and making the aligned actions and moves to feel and FLOW Happiness! This is for 5D Living
(not the cookie cutter way that's messed people up in the head till this point the human way shall I say or 3D living) If you're not HAPPY!? You're NOT Listening to your heart and you're letting your head (ego) outter "stuff" or "people pleasing" or "attention" direct your life and feeling unhappy IS the Inner conflict and misalignment of the Head (ego sub conscious lies) vs the Heart Soul where the truth is (you may have some karmic repercussions for not choosing Love and following your heart in the first place) (but the love news is there is already a way planned out to make it right) IN YOUR HEART!
It's QUITE simply really to be Happy! GO INSIDE ❤
You can't: *affirm your head words into you heart (thats called brainwashing or lying to yourself that's why affirmations don't work positively w/ out the "E-MOTION" people try to FORCE them cause they don't want to face truth and their ego will take the affirmation and twist it out of love from False Evidence Appearing True but it's not) *you CAN feel your heart and use wording to better expression alignment in a positive nature so then they can be helpful to expand your word selection (thought flow and heart flow MUST align in otherworld your E-MOTION drive your thoughts not the bassawkwards way around "hence" the peoples problems" *your heart is in your chest NOT your head *you can't "think" love you gotta FEEL it *no matter how many times you say you love someone from your head doesn't make it true
*E-MOTION (Energy IN Motion) feelings transmit truth to Universe not affirming words (you soul knows if you lying or truthing)
*God is in your Heart and Soul NOT your Head
Or you'd BE BLISSFUL!! I can go on about how many miss teachings rituals practices have been taught but I'd rather BUST OUT some soul energy tools! Jump hurdles! SEE even in Spirituality we're working out interactively! HA! (My favorite) 5 Tools Steps to Get Back on Path Following Your Heart:
Let's go.. 1) Ask your heart to forgive you where you didn't follow and listen to it then say Thank you (this will release guilt remorse some heavy bolt to unlock the door) 2) Forgive yourself for not following and listening to your heart (love is UNconditional in 5D and forgiveness RULES! and is COOL so is Loving yourself) 3) Know that your heart being OPEN to truth and love allows you to ACCESS your Soul Map that WILL lead you to HAPPY! Even BLISSFULL!! but it may mean being accountable and facing a FEW "missteps!" we'll call them (karma clearing) 4) Next, say.. Mind (or ego) STAND Down! (mean it you are the boss of your mind not it of you) then say Mind (or ego or head) My heart is now in the lead (free-will delegation dictation) 5) Then ask your Heart to SHOW you (gently w/ ease) WHAT you need to do to be happy and feel better and be accountable then say Thank you Action: Lastly say "I love myself" then hug yourself
These will cover the all encompassing releasing them from your Soul Energy Body Mind (energetically) and the "Head" sub-conciously Then will realign according to the New Love vibes and have you back on Path! ..but there is more to do..
***Allow yourself processing time hydration rest reflection in nature alone talk allowed type write draw talk to someone your heart says to all your heart to release I generally say 2 weeks as everyone is different and linear time God's time and the vessel need to re calibrate and that's not for me to say
Bonus tip:
You can always Ask God to uplift your thoughts and keep them focased on his highest and best then say Thank you and he WILL! Delegate that out he made you he can restore you so why not!?
Then you can Follow your HEART!
There I just Soul-tionized the peoples problems ;)
***If you liked these Tips and Tools and felt HUGE relief applying them! *High five* Leave a Tip for a Tip on the blog front and Thank You