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Ego will Kill You Heart is Eternal

The Ancients believed and "know" (as most their souls have reincarnated in many powerful important life times over the earth's evaluation Some even in existence today through these unprecedented time paving ways building bridges and connecting w/ the Infinite Intelligence that IS "God" The ALL the God's and Goddess are those who Rose up to work w/ the ALL in their full capacity and powers from in and abilities The goes back to BC and pre Ancient Egypt (even though a very powerful era) I'm talking the Ancients of the Ancients known as Zoroastrianism The essence is of this practise way and knowing is walking in Truth! And Being around people who making the world better and balanced A so the Egyptians knew ;) And a so did Joshua Ben Joseph aka Jesus of Love who who connected w/ God delivering the energy vibe of "Christ" from above through his heart And then comes Holy Spirit and all these "beings" light and human form all know and knew that TRUTH Balance HEART and Soul is key to any Heaven on Earth evolutionary progress And they view the "Human" "experience" "seriously" and "w/ enjoyment" and "diligence" and honor as for an infinite eternal soul coming back to earth a few hundreds thousand life time to learn and grow and is so small in the grand scheme of millions of life times but wants to move on So the purpose for this long winded educational FAR out HIGHEST viewed post! Is this... TAKE YOUR LIFE Seriously! Choose HEART Contribute It's Free and save the dingle hopping behavior.. better yet don't save it just DO LOVE And regardless of WHAT human ways you CHOOSE to follow or who led them the TRUTH is Love And God (The ALL) and Truth and set you free Focus on love not the ego semantic tidbits and TRUTH will be as it always has been and IS (regardless of "religion" is in play) Truth IS Just like You "are" regardless what outfit you put on or "costume" you are ARE! still in existence Broaden your perspective and HORIZONS through these exciting unprecedented times and life will flow SMOOTHER! 

As Choosing HEART over EGO will ALWAYS deliver a Blessing (in disguise) ;) 

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