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Q&A: What EXACTLY is Karma

"Karma" is the 3D "Human" "word" given to reference a persons "energy" status or "energy" "account" Sorta like having your Akashic records orderly or dismay MOST people "think" "karma" is only used and referenced in a "negetive" connotation when someone behaves in a way they dislike But actually when you throw that out "ignorantly" that TOO comes back to you (and YES that is an ignorant intent comment that comes from ego fear and generational habituals) So, simply put karma is your energy account Which determines how much positive or negetive energy you have in it based on your "moves" What are "moves" Thoughts Choices Words your speak Actions Behaviors To yourself and others Karma is God's way of tracking how you do and your behavior and he structured it that way so the Universe will "Like Attracts Like" to you so you ALWAYS know HOW you are doing So if you have a shit feeling or experience you probably did a shit action or ego choice or behavior to match that This is 1 exception where empaths don't know how to use their abilities and works against them vs for them being energy dumping grounds (they still have to do the work and be accountable)

(hahaha) I see my angel Team making a funny face saying "do you need to use the word 'shit'" and yes I do humans understand that lol *correction POO! LOL <-- I'm not to use POO (lol) 10-4  When you have good things and blessings happen to you often times people will says it's God's grace or blessing on you and that is True BUT it's also cause you did positive moves and your karmic account is FULL of positive and that allows his blessing to be accessed by you which means you've allowed the universe to bring them in  You see God doesn't just hold a "special" pot of his favor grace or mercy or best for certain people 

Well technically he does its called the "Universe" and that's where he stores his best for all but only certain people who do their energy work access it (there is many forms of approaching this and prayer is 1 its a 3D approach)

But those are simply 3D word descriptors of what happens when your karmic is bank is full of positive and you access his best the universe will like attracts like you 

You can pray and pray and pray but if your action is not which is energetically aligned w/ what you want

You will be waiting a long time and making God do all the work is not cool

Making Holy Spirit come ALL the way down while you continue to do the negetive behavior is not cool

You gotta get up and DO the positive move! 

It's often funny to me when people "think" they "know" or "do" "God" but if they did then they'd know:  

1) Religion is a block (it's form of mind control)

2) You must do energy work and HONOR your soul system energy body which is the eternal life part of you resides in that GOD gave you

3) God is ALL the way up there dimensionally what makes you "think" the 3D is where it's at? Lol It's not! You gotta get closer to him to view more clearly - that is energy!

4) The Universe God created is energetic so it's foolish to think "energy" is not of God (cause it's not in the Bible that way) It's actually an insult and blasphemic to speak of such of his creation 5) God is in your heart and soul not your head that's why religion doesn't work - SIMPLE! 

Another point I'm shown to reference to clairfy karma is the phrase or saying "what goes round comes around" let's blast that w/ Golden source light and love and say this.. 

Karma a scenerio or event or type of person will keep coming up till you apply your energy tool and clear it out of your system or "learn" the lesson and get it out of your energy field 

Often times this type of saying is a partial saying and misrepresent the full truth as 3D can ONLY tell you UP to 3D 

That's why often my attempt to direct answer a question most often has an elaborate verbage followed so all dimensional needs to be addressed to fill in the blanks for all those at all levels who need and require that info 

It's not that the "karma" "keepings coming around" it never left lol Your soul just decide to redirect your focus on something else you WERE listening to and ready and open to ping it out of the way 

And it's not as much "karma" "coming" "around" as it is your "soul" saying.. "hey let's give this another go the person keeps wanting A but they have to get rid of B to get to A

So they being your guide team universe your soul higher self and God says " ok let's bring about another said similar scenerio and hope they "get it" this time"

It's ALL about communicating and it'sALL about Listening! Applying the action step or as I call it "Pinging off the list"

***I hope this answers the Q and provides a deeper more higher up insight what karma is and its not JUST a word***

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