What does "New Age" actually mean..
In the context it's being referenced in.
It mean a "marketing" way to "label" and reference something that has been of #truth God's truth since the beginning of time.
That can be used as a quick label to "trash" it.
By religions saying...
"Oh stay away from " new age stuff" or "beware of new age stuff" .
Simply put. If you weren't afraid of the truth or losing monetary gain. You'd support your people to go explore and to take God w/ them. At least that's what I do. As that's what I'm guided to as that how God does it and wants it.
Only those who say foolishness especially when they do NOT KNOW what they speak (from ego) say that as it's from "f.e.a.r" aka #ego
"New AGE" is NOT "New" !
It's how someone said "repackaged and repurposed" sure, for marketing sales.
But what it ACTUALLY IS and MEANS is that the planet is in a point in "time" that is SAFE to discuss speak teach educate and learn about these TRUTHs. So they are...
That. IS. ALL.
***Like this badda bing to the truth? Cool! Leave a Tip for a Tip on the blog front and follow your w/ intuition. That's what's it's there for. Not your ego mind. :)