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The windy road of Ascension

...and why most people don't ever make it. 

Cause shit gets "WAK" ! Hahahahahahaha #Truth

(Well and they do not know or understand what is going on. AND they do not have the tools to rapidly quickly w/ ease navigate and plow through the hurdles)

The many waves of Ascension is more than most people can bare. It is SO Multi-dimentional. But IF you view from higher up and know WHY and the purpose for the WHY from knowing and understanding and wanting to make the process ease. Then it can be fun. At times. Even when you cry on the street at night and your humanness is being stretched. To Super human. Hahahaha

The many faces, e-motions, feelings etc. Is truly one that takes GREAT diligence, perseverance and drive. And purpose. And love IS the greatest purpose motivator driver of ALL! 

Love w/ my love that is! The heaven on earth kind. The Blissfullness. 

What most people refer to as "life" is not actually that. It's a process of purging and flushing TO be able to LIVE! Freeeeeely!!!! Enjoying Joyously

Ascension simply put is.. doing what you must do to rise and align your body vessel body mind and body heart to your higher and best self!

Coming up to completion. It's one of the best if not the best life learning journey lesson one can go on. It's a true on honor on the road and path to nobleness and self Mastery. It's self love love for others love for the planet and love for love. 

It IS the doorway to the kingdom of heaven. Here on earth! It is sheer pure and utter blissfullness! 

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