#TRant Love Rant for the Insecure
Straight. UP!
I wanna drop a bunch of eff bombs for the nuisance annoyance of the ego's tantrums on people about what "Love" REAL love is and is NOT!
NOTHING! Is more distasteful and funny to laugh at than insecure person when someone says "hi" to their spouse. Or have a human friendly conversation.
Now let's proceed to get 1 thing CLEAR! If you do this foolishness. It's time to activate your free-will and cast out that "jealously" demon who is lying to you and making you fill your karmic bank w/ junk!
Here we go..
For those who have not learned or know L-O-V-E.
Sex is not love, it is intimacy (connected) or lust (empty physical). LOVE is not only w/ a bf,gf or spouse. LOVE comes in ALL forms. Self love, Famjam love, platonic love.
YES for all the insecure people you can LOVE someone w/out wanting to "sleep" w/ them, romantic love & spiritual love, playful childlike love. Do you SEE?
How much more LOVE is.
Things, changing your appearance, sex. Is ALL outter. For Goodness sake all you insecure people who think cause someone is nice they want to bang your man. Get over yourselves. That's your projection of you! Lol Girls like that wouldn't want a man w/ a female like you! Lol
TRant OFF.