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Needs will dissipate Wants

How is this so, SIMPLE! You get what you need you are FULL satiated full of LOVE! A Need comes from Love. A want comes from outter often referencing an extra. This is how people get and feel lost and empty as they surround themselves w/ extras vs needs. It's off balance. Sorta like ordering a pizza w/ extra topping and not having the crust. What good is a bunch of toppings and sauce n cheese laying all over the place if you don't have a base to place it on. You see? #Tip ASK God or the Universe to bring you WHAT you need. "God I feel I need something but I'm not sure what it is. Please bring me what it is I need. Thank you" . Then off you go w/ you day. You will often be surprised and eye-opened to see what what you need and we're wanting were a far off cry to what or how you thought you were to attend to it. You will start seeing more truth to help you vs hinder you. *Remember: A Need comes from LOVE a Want comes for Not. For more details or do a 1 to 1 on what your needs are or what you are trying to obtain through wants contact me to get started. If you LEARNED something new or this post was an eye opener. Leave a Tip for a Tip to help fund this blog. So I can keep cranking out the tips for you to lead the way to your best life!  

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