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Labels vs Love

See, when you treat people like people. They treat you like a person. Ex. Reminding you of your phone on the way out the door. When you treat people like a "label" . You are therefore "limiting" them to that "label" vs what they can actually do which is expand and cover all areas and love you.

This sets you up for disappointments! 

You do it to yourself!!! Lol

For eg. If the darkness says to a person they want a "nanny" to control and perform "sexual favours" . That is confined to the label. A misuse of the person abilities. And a cheap n cowardly way to "try" n gain "false love" to protect ones self. This is the behaivor and cycle of the perverbial "bad boy" Hahaha They are actually not "bad" at all. Just very confused and scared. Hence the outter appearance and persona. Lol

What they are ACTUALLY saying deep dow is they want someone to care for them love them and treat them well. But they are putting this dysfunctional wall to protect which attracts the same and they get nowhere fast. 

Instead they end up w/ a whole bunch more problems issues nonsense "drams" and that which they do not want cause, cause and effect.

They are limiting the flow. Is the cause. The effect is getting back log of garbage. Haha 

All from not letting the flow of love in. 

Most often this results is mismarriages, regrets of time wasted from the one they truly love. Hurts and unnecessary behaivors as they weren't being true to their self or the other person. 

This is cause love and fear can not exist in the same. You cannot have love in a relationship when you are too fearful of disclosing your past and true self for fear of being unloved. Vs being w/ the one who knows forgave it still loves you and wants to move forward w/ you. Thats when the lies of undeservingness start and truthfully it's blasphemy and lies. As love does not care about what you do it cares about who you are!

Deep down.

Farrrrrr down into the depths of one's soul.

Where all the love resides and hides.

AND Then..

Love brings it up and out and to restore and save the day! 


A label is and always and only will ever be a restriction to those depths and powers of love.

So make sure to do you energy clearing. Soul curating. And managing your soul system to purge the earth garbage labels. And restore your faith knowing and living ins REAL LOVE. 

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