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Perception Upgrade

What is it? A perception upgrade is the God given soul ability to view from higher up. Allowing the mind and body to catch up. Part of Ascension, soul evolution and human growth. My favorite example I'm always guided to use especially for males. Is say.. there is a lil body playing in the park on ground level building a sand castle. And there is a lil girl hanging from the monkey bars saying.. "Hey! whatcha doing down there!" He looks up, and... They are "both" seeing and viewing the "same space" but! They are both viewing from a different vantage point. The higher up your go the more you can see. This is the perverbial commenting about men and women differing. Which isn't actually true from higher up. (Ask God to show how he sees he will show you) They are simple viewing from a different view point. This is what makes and gives males the strong dominance on ground level and the female strong dominance higher up. Both EQUAL and like attracts like and both having strengths that balance. It's the like attract likes that first draws in and attracts someone or something into ones life and then the balancing to make one whole!

Most often people attract the that which they do not want or like and then try to self sacrifice to balance. You see? 

Bass-ak-wards! ..and then some. Lol Aka the meet and greet w/ the perverbial rabbit whole thud when things don't work out. Haha 

And yeah, something your a** hurts from falling on it. And sometimes it bounces you right up if you made a cushion to toss you right back up. 

Aka as your seeing life for what it is truthfully from love. Vs not. 

So you can see how this simple misconception can play huge on communication, understanding, how to's, and getting where you want to go and what you want in life. Love included. 

***I challenge you to take a scenerio in your life and Ask God or the Universe (same team) to show you clarity and guidence on it. Or Ask God to show you how he See's it. Then allow it to unfold and be open to being shown and carry on w/ your day, week.. it will shown when it is to show. 

(If you LEARNED something knew, a helpful tip. Or simply like listening reading the guided infrom from above and my personal experiences. Feel free to leave a tip! On the blog from a Tip for a Tip!)

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