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Why is "ENERGY" the MOST Important..

‎..thing you can EVER have or EVER know?

Before I answer that.. What is the first thing you think of when you hear energy?

(Share below) - I want to know, what you "think". Hint: depending on your initial response will determine if you "thought it" and "reacted" from the "mind". OR "felt it" and "responded" from the heart.




So I'll, tell you what it's NOT!

It's not "gas" or "oil" cause #truth is we don't need that to live. (That's an entire book on its own and there is some great truth documentaries on it)

So WHAT is it... (yeah yeah, hurry and get to the point someone is saying)

Well, for one.. w/out it you'd be not "alive" in human form. Haha. It's God's "breath of life" to you. FOR you! Aka Love.

Energy! The same kind that keeps you alive. The same kind that you soul is made of. The same kind that this Universe is made up of. The same kind that has its own vibe note that dictates and determines + or -. The same kind that makes 10 people in the same place at the same time have 10 different experiences. It's the same kind the created the world you live IN and ON.

It also, dictates and determines what flows to you and what runs the other way! Haha How your feel and don't.

So "MY" question to YOU is.. WHY haven't you been diligently putting as much time, effort and knowing into your soul health as "most" do for their "false outter appearance"?

Well, given the response is different for each person and some of the same for what is known as "masses". I already know the answer for each of you. But do YOU know the answer for YOU? <--- That's! What's important here. That YOU know the answers for YOU! Noone else, YOU!

Energy is your "soul" "system"... and that beautiful people is WHERE. The REALLLL P-O-W-E-R is AT! Ohhhh yessss...

So let's begin! --->‎

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