Total alignment is what Trina calls a "lock'n'drop". You get to a certain HIGH vibrational level and you "lock in" and drop the rest that can not withhold being around that high purest power of light n love. This is a Mastery level to fine tune on all counts. Both the human form and energetic soul level. This is Ascension Mastery In it's quickest and purest form. When you are in Total Alignment Calibration you can ALWAYS line up with #Truth like that! *finger snap* Even if you are still dropping "stuff". This 1 time session often preceeds the Advanced Mastery Learning to make sure NOTHING is in the way for your MAX growth and expantion experience. It's like matching up a grid. It needs to *click* and Totally ALIGN for OPTIMAL smooth and fast delivery. Trina sometimes refers to this as the "God's Eye View". It's like looking down over the planet and "over"seeing the whole picture. Super neat!
(Most spiritual practitoners are missing the boat! Cause of their eeee ggg oh! I see it all the time in various forms it's frustrating as they are actually doing more dis-service then service to their following and customers w/ out even knowing. And YES! that too gets clocked in the karma bank. As I've been informed there is ZERO time to waste. So it was VERY clear I was to fine tune them in preparation for service.)
Age and "human" years of "expereince" does not matter. It is your obligation as a light worker to be eee ggg oh! free and at the utmost clean and clear. Carrying any faulty, ego or other "-" influences is no differenct then a Surgeon using unsantized instruments.
It is imparative, for your health,karma, and for theirs.
These God's eye view sessions are for any spiritual practitioners.
As well as, those who Trina refers to as advanced by self "on their missions" full speed ahead. Who want to fine tune or address missing components to be clean and clear on all multi-levels & dimensions.
In order to be in Total Alignment, clean and clear. One must be covered and aligned on all 3 components:
Human Physical Form
Soul System (energy)
The Human knowing (awareness)
Once these start to align. AMAZING Powerful things start to happen. It's literally like a cloud parts.
People don't "know" on the forefront concious awareness. But they "know" on the back end. So they need to be reminded so they can remember ALL #Truths. From the view Trina has it's as simple as that. Taking off the face mask, pouffy cloths, and leaving the masquerade ball.
You name it Trina's covered it, learned it, experienced it. From Left brain to Right and everything in between and outside. Yes! Even a possessed person. She brings lifetimes of wisdom and knowledge and has a very powerful gift of viewing, thinking, seeing, feeling, accessing, navigating all dimensions, flipping and jumping to whichever is needed at any given time. She is a Total Alignment Master here to fine tune Spiritual practitioners aka as primers.
Q. What is a Primer?
A. They are very important people who do all sorts of Left Mostly Right brain work eg. healings, readings, educating) There is 3 levels of primers. Each according to their strengths and gifts. Each just as important as the next. And as in ALL Spiritual work "age" has no relevance as you are born w/ your gifts. It's just a matter of how fast you uncover them. Un like 3D Planet life things take much "longer" w/ more steps then in the spirit plane which what feels like a 100 years can be accomplished in 1 day in human time. As they are in their day to day w/ people healing, teaching, sharing and lifting people to open them up to +++!
Q. Why is it important for primers to be "fine tuned".
A. Due to their purpose they are targets of non light intentions. Many work from "eee ggg oh!" w/ in the matrix and not out! This has various and many consequences. Especially, when they are not aware and can be non beneficial or ideal to their service w/ out knowing. Once they are OUT! They are more powerful, more happy, more clear and more ground is covered in a smaller amount of "time". Time is of the essence and now it needs to be used to it's utmost fullest while this change and mission is in progress. Urgency is the word! To help the human race prepare for changes. Better ones. God/ Source/ Universe ones. He said people will know the truths and they shall. And to call in and channel very powerful sacred healing that can take out anything not of the light. So w/ anything one must be conditioned and READY to take on the task at hand. There is nothing left unfolded here. It's FAST moving.
You'll get:
-A brief Q&A chat to start
-You will instantly be matched up w/ the Master precedent
-All will be written in point form
-What comes up will be address accordingly
-Other as needed on the spot
***The combination of all healing modalities, learnings and truths are so in the case of duality so the human form and eee gggg oh! can be disarmed and sorta dimantled to be clean and cleared out reput together so that people can then match up to their best and highest self. So people have the least amount of resistance as possible. After all we are a dual system a soul and human form and 99% of healings or other therapies focas one or a portion of. Not the Total overall "God's Eye View" picture.